Our Offer
„When the mind is strong and the heart is pure, you are free.“
- Paramahansa Yogananada
Whole Body Massages
Traditional Thai Massage
During this massage, targeted, strong-pinpoint massaging stimulates energy points and removes blockages. Stretching which is also part of this massage helps to relax muscles and ligaments and thus the relaxation of the musculoskeletal system. The Traditional Thai massage is ideal for relaxation and therefore suitable for people who feel tense or suffer from tenseness.
60 minutes …………………………………. 496 €
90 minutes …………………………………. 70 €
120 minutes …………………………………. 89 €
Asia-Blend Massage (Oil Massage)
During the Asia-Blend massage softer and larger-area massage techniques are used which effect that the oils which are used during the massage can be well resorbed by the body. This causes a relaxing effect on the muscles and the stimulating effect of the oil aromas on the senses increases the relaxation and well-being effect during and after the massage.
60 minutes …………………………………. 49 €
90 minutes …………………………………. 70 €
120 minutes …………………………………. 89 €
Herbal Compress Massage
A warm herbal compress is used during the Herbal Compress massage. In this way a three-fold advantage is achieved. The heat gives a stronger relaxation of the muscles and causes a greater relaxation effect. By the action of the herbs - in conjunction with the heat - the circulation is stimulated and toxins are increasingly driven out of the muscles. In addition, the etherial ingredients of the herbs increase the feel-good effect. The effect is stunning!
60 minutes …………………………………. 65 €
90 minutes …………………………………. 87 €
120 minutes …………………………………. 106 €
Massage of Individual Body Parts
Back, Shoulder and Neck Massage
Massage of the entire back, including the neck and shoulder area using massage oil. On special request we pay special attention to problem areas during the massage.
30 minutes …………………………………. 30 €
60 minutes …………………………………. 49 €
Head and Face Massage
Gentle massage with light stretching and targeted massage techniques for activating energy points on the head and face. For relief of stress and tenseness and to increase the well-being - not only for headaches.
30 minutes …………………………………. 30 €
45 minutes …………………………………. 42 €
Foot Massage
Massage to stimulate the energy points in the feet using massage oil and balm. A treat not only for the feet, but for the whole body.
30 minutes …………………………………. 29 €
45 minutes …………………………………. 40 €
During our massages we only use best oils which are tolerated by the skin.
All prices include the statutory VAT of currently 19%.
The mentioned prices are valid from September 11, 2023.